Cryptocurrency is a type of digital asset focused on conducting settlements. The Payment Reception and Sending module in MyWallet is organized as an intuitive interface with a step-by-step transaction process that eliminates any client errors. The client only needs to know the name of the cryptocurrency and the wallet address to which the payment should be made.
There is no unified international regulation for cryptocurrency transactions. However, if you are already a client of UniFin CryptoBank ApS, there are no restrictions on buying or selling crypto assets. The Buy/Sell module in MyWallet is organized as an intuitive interface with a step-by-step transaction process that eliminates any client errors. The client only needs to know the name of the cryptocurrency they intend to buy or sell.
Swap is a method of crypto exchange that allows clients to quickly and easily swap one cryptocurrency for another without needing fiat currency as an intermediary or leaving their crypto wallet. The SWAP module in MyWallet is organized as an intuitive interface with a step-by-step transaction process that eliminates any client errors. The client only needs to know the names of the cryptocurrencies they intend to exchange with each other.
Crypto-swap is the safest type of crypto exchange because it involves fewer operations and intermediaries, reducing security risks and cyber-attack threats.
Crypto lending is a service that provides some form of payment medium on credit, secured by the client's current assets. We support virtually all types of crypto and fiat assets.